Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Tips for a greener diet

Here are some ways we Somervillens can make our diets greener:

  1. Swap beef, chicken or pork for beans. It’s a cheaper option than meat, and also uses less resources to grow—very “green”! And, think of all the delicious cultural dishes that use beans: burritos (Mexican) , channa masala, daal, (Indian), Tegabino (Ethiopian) or hummus (Mediterranean).
    Growing non-meat sources of protein like soy and legumes produces more nutritious food by pound than raising animals for meat on the same amount of land, freeing up more farmland to feed more people
    Growing non-meat sources of meat like soy (legumes not pictured here) uses less water than raising animals for meat, conserving it for other purposes
  2. Carry a water bottle with you and drink tap water.  Did you know that 75% of plastic bottles end up in our landfills, lakes and oceans every year? [1]
  3. Buy locally.  This lessens how far our food has to travel.   Groundwork Somerville grows food right here in Somerville and sells it to The Somerville Mobile Farmers' Market, keeping food fresh, local, and affordable. 
  4. Read dates on food packages.  About 20% of wasted food comes from products getting tossed because the “best if used by date” which indicates peak freshness of a product, gets confused with “expiration date” [2]
  5. Buy ugly produce!  About 26% of produce gets thrown out before it reaches retailers because the produce looks too funny to sell. [2]

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